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qr codes

QR Codes ? ?

The dictionary defines QR codes as, “a matrix bar code that is read by photographing it with the camera of a Smartphone or mobile device, equipped with a bar code reader.” QR codes can link person to a website, contact information, map location, etc.  You have probably seen these,QR codes are everywhere…  If you didn’t…

Heavy Snow

Heavy Snow Causes the Roof on your Garage to Collapse… Are You Covered?

This time of year snow piles up quickly and is heavy.  This can be a problem for your roof.  If a collapse occurs due to heavy snow, are you covered? Yes there would be coverage.  It would either be covered under Dwelling or Other structures depending  weather the garage  is attached to the house or…

Do Not Neglect Your Lights

Lights are pretty, but they are not something to take for granted.  Please do not leave your lights on, unattended for extended periods of time. Consider what happened to a New Jersey family a few years ago… The lights were left on all day, overheated and set the tree on fire.  Soon the whole house…

Hotel Expenses During A Power Outage

Extended Power Outage Forces You to Stay in a Hotel… Are You Covered?

Hotel Expenses During A Power Outage What Would You Do?? This area has seen some wild weather in recent years.  We all remember the Frankenstorm of 2011.  This brings up the thought of an extended power outage.  No one wants this to happen again,  but it is a sobering reminder of how quick things can…

Winterizing Your Boat This Year

Summer has ended, but we can still dream of what great adventures next year will bring… Most of us do not live in an area that allows us to use our boats all year-long.  New England summers seem to fly by.  This is especially true for boat enthusiasts.  Preparing your boat for winter is an important job…

Motorcycles in New England

Do you enjoy riding motorcycles in the fall? Fall in New England is like no other.  Some of us enjoy the thrill of riding through the hill towns, on a motorcycle.  We at Chase Clarke Stewart & Fontana Insurance, hope you enjoy these areas, safely.  Here are just a few reminders that all bikers would…

New England Fall Safety Tips

Stay safe this fall season! New England seasons seem to come and go so quickly.  Hard to believe we are well into October.  That being said, there are some safety tips we would like you to keep in mind this fall.   November 3rd daylight savings time ends, and we fall back an hour.  Don’t…

Classic Cars

Classic Cars Are you protecting your classic cars properly? Most people who own classic cars work hard to take care of their prized possession. They are to be commended for this.  New England winters are not concerned with the welfare of your car.  We urge you to take steps now, before winter weather arrives, to…

Electrician finds water damage. Now what?

Water Damage Around Your Electrical Panel… Are You Covered?

Water damage around your electrical panel is not something you want.  Let’s hope it does not happen to you. If it does, there is some good news and some bad news. Good news… If the damage is caused by a leaky pipe or your window is smashed during a storm and water enters through that…