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Safety Tips

Child Passenger Safety

Did you have a nice summer? For many the month of September means back to our busy schedules.  It is also the time for National Child Passenger Safety week.  Now is the time for parents to review car safety tips for your children.  What kind of car seat does your child use? Is it the…

Preparedness Month

Preparedness Month

Did you know this month is Preparedness Month? The CDC is calling September 2015, Preparedness Month.  September also means back to school.  Now is a great time to organize and get prepared for possible natural disasters.  Keep your family in the loop by taking time to talk about disaster preparedness.  CDC offers great resources. Learning…

Scholarship Recipient!

This was an especially exciting summer for Chase, Clarke, Stewart & Fontana Insurance! Why?  We started our first annual Scholarship Fund.  You may have heard about it.  We are very proud of the students living in or attending school in Western MA.  Thank you to all of the students that applied for the this year’s…

Household Safety Checklist

The new school year is fast approaching, and for some of us is already here.  We have a couple of weeks left of this summer.  Now is a great time to review some household safety practices, as a family. Here are a few questions to ask: Household Safety Checklist In case of fire, does your…

College Students -Auto Discounts

Hello College Students! Are you getting ready for a new school year? We know you have a lot on your mind. New School, new people, new life! Are you packed and ready to go? This is a reminder that you may have possible savings available to you. Auto Discounts you college students may qualify for: Multi-Vehicle…

Travel Tips

This time of year many are using vacation time and traveling.  Will you be traveling soon? Leaving the country?  The CDC has travel tips and other pertinent information to make your trip a success. Travel Tips Traveling with Children If  you are leaving the country, research what vaccines are recommended. Bring a list of medicines…

Tiny House- Are you covered?

Have you heard of this new Tiny House Trend?  How do these tiny homes interact with your insurance coverage? Tiny House and Your Policy The “Tiny House” is a new trend encouraging people to simplify their lives and reflect on how much space is really needed to live.  Usually these homes are a maximum of…

Hurricane Safety Tips

Hurricane season here.  Although, in this area, we don’t usually feel its effects until later in the season.  What comes to mind when I say the name Sandy?  For New Yorkers it’s not a pretty sight.  Western Massachusetts has seen our share of bad weather.  Thankfully things have calmed down so far.  What can you…

Pool Rules

So happy to be enjoying this warm weather!  Summer is in full blast.  Do you have a pool?  No life guard on Duty?  How can you be a good “life guard” for your children and friends?  If you have a pool, make sure your guests know the pool rules before they jump in. Pool Rules…