Did you have a nice summer? For many the month of September means back to our busy schedules. It is also the time for National Child Passenger Safety week. Now is the time for parents to review car safety tips for your children. What kind of car seat does your child use? Is it the right one? The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) has organized a campaign to keep your children safe!
For Children
With so many car seats, how do you know which one is best for your child. Click here to view tips for choosing the right car seat.
Once you’ve chosen the right seat how do you know it is installed properly? Learn more here.
For Teens
Even when your child is not a child anymore there are things you can do to help them be safe. Safe Teen driving like many things, starts at home. Parents can have a profound effect on their teen drivers. Think of your driving habits. Practice with your teen.
Many states have what is called a “graduated driver’s license” program. Restrictions are placed on new drivers so as to “ease” them into the driving world. Driving is serious and teens need to learn how to be safe.
For the whole Family
Seat Belts do not have an age limit, they are for all of us. Some people have made them into fashion statement belts, but lets remember what their primary job is… to keep us safe incase of an accident. Before turning on the radio and starting the engine let’s make sure we buckle up. 🙂