Uh-Oh! Frozen Pipes? It’s been very cold and looks like this will continue for at least a few more days.
If your pipes burst in this cold winter weather, are you covered?
Well the good news for you is that water damage is one of the most commonly filled insurance claims. That being said, you should know that not all claims are covered for frozen pipes. If your home sustains “sudden and accidental” water damage from bursting pipes, then you would be covered. If the leak is slow or has caused damage over a long period of time you may not have coverage. This is why it is good to be on the lookout for water damage or broken pipes especially this time of year.
Also please note that if the following are true you may not be covered:
- The frozen pipes that burst have not been properly maintained.
- You are away from your home and the pipes burst due to a lack of heat in the home.
It’s best to contact your local agent for further details of coverage before you have a claim.
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