After the first hot day of the year, hopefully, many of you were enjoying the warm sun. Now that the nice weather is here (cross your fingers because New England weather is always unpredictable) it’s a great time to survey your backyard to make sure it’s safe to host pool parties, Wiffle ball games, and the frequent backyard BBQs.
Grilling in the Backyard
I’m sure you’ve been salivating all winter at the thought of hosting your friends, firing up the grill, throwing on some burgers and hotdogs, and watching a few baseball games. Before you do, here’s a few things to remind yourself of before you lite up the grille.
- If you’re a charcoal grille master, make sure to never store your grill in your garage after grilling because charcoal emits harmful carbon monoxide until it’s completely extinguished.
- To help extinguish charcoal completely, break up the burning charcoal with a strong stick or grilling tool after you’re done cooking. Then cover the grill with the lid for roughly 30 minutes to deprive the embers of oxygen. If you’re in a rush to put out the fire, spray some water on the embers.
- Make sure to grill away from any flammable objects especially if it’s a windy day.
- Make it a habit to check for hose leaks, holes, and any type of blockage.
Be smart about pesticides
Everyone wants that green lawn. We want to be known as the home of the street with the best-looking grass. Sometimes that means that we opt for those strong chemicals that deter bugs and help our lawns grow. There are non-chemical options to keeping your lawn healthy, but if you must use pesticides, keep these tips in mind:
- Keep your pets and children away from the lawn when you’re applying these chemicals. Don’t let them touch the grass until the pesticides have completely dried.
- Even though it may be hot out, while applying pesticides, wear long sleeves, eye protection (if it’s windy out) and always remember to wash your hands afterward and wash the bottoms of your shoes off before walking inside.
- Make sure you’re abiding by the manufacture’s recommendation for how much to apply.
Swimming in your backyard
It’s frightening to hear, but according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, thousands of pool-related injuries and drowning incidents occur every year. Many of these accidents include children. If you have a pool or know of someone who has a pool, always remember these safety tips:
- Never allow your children to swim without an adult around. Have a policy of “no parents, no swimming.”
- The USCPSC recommends at least a four-foot-high fence around your pool.
- Always have safety equipment and safety items nearby. That means having a floatation device handy, a pool hook close by, and someone who is trained in CPR. If you’re a parent and you own a pool, it would be wise to get CPR trained, just in case.
- Most importantly, check your pool’s drain and suction covers. If they’re broken or missing, please repair them immediately and don’t allow anyone to swim until they’re fixed because faulty drains can cause accidental drowning.
These are just a few tips to keep your backyard safe this summer!