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If April Showers end up in your basement… Are You Covered?

You know what they say… “April Showers bring May Flowers.”  We hope that’s all they bring this year.  Rain water is important to our environment.  however sometimes nature doesn’t nurture…

april showers


If your basement floods from too much rain water are you covered for repairs??




Water Damage caused by the following, is not covered by your homeowners policy:

  • Ground water seeping into your building, sidewalk, driveway, foundation, swimming pool or other structure.
  • Flood, surface water, waves, tidal water, overflow of a body of water,

*However if your home caught fire, suffered explosion or theft because of water damage you would be covered.

 Act now to make sure your basement is leak free, and if you are prone to flooding prepare with a sump pump.

 To be covered for flooding you would need a flood policy.

 Contact your local agent for further questions… 

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