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Avoid Distractions While Driving

April is… Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Really, anytime you take your hands off the wheel or eyes off the road, you are distracted from your main purpose, that of driving. This month, take a moment to think about the consequences of distracted driving.  Young people are not the only ones who drive distracted.

The following are examples of Distractions common to Drivers…distractions

  • Texting, the most obvious.
  • Eating or Drinking (non alcoholic beverages)
  • Adjusting the Radio
  • Picking up CDs from the floor.
  • Serious conversation with passengers.
  • Stresses of life weighing on your mind.
  • Police activity, or accidents etc.
  • and many more things like these…


Yes they are everyday habits that we all have. The truth is, anything that takes your mind and or eyes off the road, or hands off the steering wheel, are distractions.  Losing focus on driving even momentarily is a bad idea.  Plan ahead, for your safety and those around you.

There is a new website that has been set up, called . You may find the information helpful to share with your loved ones.

As we know, Massachusetts has banned texting for all drivers.  Also cell phone use, even if its hands free is banned if you are 18 and under.

Drive safe not distracted.

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