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Snow Shoveling and CO Poisoning

What could snow shoveling possibly have to do with Carbon Monoxide poisoning?

When you think of snow related injuries, what comes to mind?  Maybe you think of tripping on icy snow filled walkways, or being hit with a snowball?  You probably don’t think of Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning, but it is something to take precautions against.

How could a lack of snow shoveling or removal lead to carbon monoxide poisoning?  If snow piles up around vents in your home, blocking the vent, gas from your appliances can “back up” into your house.  So while you are outside shoveling your driveway be sure to also clear the snow away from dryer vents and other vents on your property.

It is important to have working carbon monoxide detectors in your home, especially around your heating appliances.

Remember, Carbon Monoxide is odorless, colorless and it is very bad for you and your family.  The CDC has a wealth of information on how you can protect yourself from Carbon Monoxide. Click the above link to see more information about Carbon Monoxide.