The MassDOT Registrar of Motor Vehicles has resumed sending License Renewal reminders, in the form of Birthday postcards. The postcards indicates if the driver can renew online or if they need to visit a branch. (this is real!) You can renew online or at the branch.
A word of Caution! It has come to our attention that there is a new scam affecting the license renewal service.
One of our insured tried renewing their license online. They were interrupted by a pop up, prompting them to call a phone number to continue processing. A woman answered the phone and “helped” our insured complete the renewal form. She was then charged an additional fee of $39.99 for the assistance. This is a scam!
If you see a pop up prompting you to call a number and finish the process…
DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER! Call the registry directly. The registry has confirmed this is a scam!
Please be on guard, and call us if you have any questions.